Projects VISIO Information Technology

Development and implementation of a new video-conference service between the customer and the telebanking advisor in 6 weeks.
Project in two parts:
- Web services (Apache-Tomcat-MySQL-Django) for reservations on virtual servers
- Video servers (video conferencing + chat in Flash® technology) on physical servers.
NB: The time required to set up a physical server is a minimum of six weeks
CTS is acting as infrastructure project manager for the Web part and as a transversal responsibility for the Video part.
The Web part on virtual servers did not pose any delivery time problems: the virtual servers of the integration/pre-production/production environments were made available in three weeks.
To control the delivery time of the video infrastructure, knowing that the service would be gradually scaled up, CTS pushed for the use of a video server already in production but not very busy to implement the video services temporarily.
The switchover to the video server dedicated to the project would take place at a later stage.
This allowed the delivery of the global service (Web+ video) in production to be controlled within the allotted time despite the development problems inherent in this type of project.
Virtual web servers under VMWARE in Linux Debian + Apache + Tomcat + MySQL + Django
Physical video servers under Linux CentOS + Wowza
Availability of the services in accordance with the customer deadline.The installations of the video servers dedicated to the service were finalized in parallel on time, the service is still active and the operating phase is now taking over.