Ecodesign & diagnostic Aeronautics & Space

Management of two projects:
- Finding tools for identifying end-of-life aircraft materials to facilitate dismantling and improve recycling.
- Mapping of end-of-life aircraft to increase the recycling rate.
Fatigue and tolerance and dommage analysis of composite and metallic materials.
Research on new methods of non-destructive testing on end-of-life aircraft.
CTS was therefore involved in the management of these two projects.
First of all, it was necessary to assess the past year from a technical point of view.
The actions of CTS are also technical, such as bibliographical research and interviews with numerous experts to select the most interesting technologies and those that could be industrialized.
These two projects have many partners, one of the last tasks of CTS is to ensure the coordination of the different research axes and to do the technical follow-up of the partners.
- Examination of drawning and 3D models of aircraft on Copedoc and CATIA V5.
- Investigation on the different materials used: Docmaster, Gilda (Airbus A320 – Tools).
The client is satisfied with the coordination of the project and also with the technical progress. CTS is a long-term partner in these activities, and must therefore be involved in these projects until their completion